Senin, 01 Oktober 2012

From Jakarta to Kaihua with Love and Snores

My brother in law, Sandy, recently married a beautiful chinese girl named Rae Chen, or Chen Yuen Yuen. After the holy matrimony held in Jakarta, only four days after my third wedding anniversary, we all, the Muryadis, fly to Kaihua, China to celebrate their wedding reception. As i write down this blog in my husband hotel room that he shares with his dad, we're still in transit mode in Kuala Lumpur. In 8 hours, we'll be hurry back to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport that takes, ermmm, 1,5 hours from here.

Here? To save the budget, we decided to stay in budget hotel, fly with budget airlines, and of course eat cost-saving food. It is my first time going abroad without posh treatment... well, as a one big happy family that making a trip abroad for the first time, i push myself to get excited all the time. In fact, I am. Well, i hate the fact that me and my husband have to sleep separated. Thanks for the i-don't-wanna-talk-to-you-anymore relationship between his parents. Well, i have to share the bed with the sister and the mom, that snores...

Forget about the snore. I stay in this quite nice little motel called Le Hotel, located in Pasar Seni, Chinatown, KL. Only one stop away form KL center, the MRT station. And what made me happy was, we met Harry, our church leader in Southers. As i know i'll miss the legendary landmark Petronas Tower, i just put the image of it that i just downloaded from google. I don't mind not going there, because i'm so exhausted and really need the beauty sleep, without the snores... And i'm sure, the snores will continue like my story.