Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

I'm sorry...

.........for the absents of motherless nights
.........for sagas and fairy tales I should tell
.........for the birthday candles that I never witness you blow out
.........for the uniforms that not once I put you on
.........for not teaching you A, B, C, D while I teach others foreign language
.........for lack of courage to call you at 7 am knowing you'd want me there
.........for leaving you in the middle of the nights
.........for fall outs, bumps in the head, sores in your knee, blood when you got cut
.........for playing alone
.........for being away when you got sick
.........for wanting you wanting me as mother
.........for tears you shed I should wipe
.........for I should wipe my tears for missing you so much

Do well, lovely one. God bless you.

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